This sub-theme seeks to instigate cross-pollination between systems science and Ecological Economics in thinking about the dynamics of a degrowth transition. This poses difficult questions about the relationships between growing material throughput and progress toward extended empathic circles, equality before the law, and social justice. We welcome submissions on cascading effects, unintended consequences, and deep uncertainty in the coevolution of social, political, psychological, and biophysical systems. Sessions could focus on epistemological and practical approaches for addressing urgent crises in the context of unknowable facts and unpredictable outcomes. We would also invite broader conversations on systems sciences.
– Socio-ecological transformation and theories of change
– Systems thinking and complexity
– Wicked tensions of post-growth futures
– Methodologies for problem solving
– Interrogating technological solutions to the environmental crisis
– Cultural change and exchange
– Towards food sovereignty and regenerative agroecological futures
– Discourse analysis and cognitive mapping
– Ideology, morality, and belief systems
– Post-normal science
– Resilience, transition, and panarchy -