This sub-theme returns economic study to the original meaning of oikonomia: management and care of the common home. In so doing, we escape from the modern notion of Economics, which centers on market exchange outside the household. We invite submissions that explore the diverse extra-market economies and non-market logics that emerge and persist within and outside of relations of capital. We seek to highlight nurturing and affective human-human and human-nature relationships, ecologies as assemblages of human-nature relations, and the qualitative aspects of relational approaches to understanding humanity’s ecology in the web of life. We hope that contributors to this sub-theme will draw on the feminist and anthropological traditions of J.K. Gibson-Graham, Bruno Latour, Karl Polanyi, Silvia Federici, and their contemporaries and students.
– Formal and informal economies
– Commoning and economic diversity
– Decolonized property regimes
– Caring for health, hearth, and Earth
– Social embeddedness and economic anthropology
– Collective action
– Ecofeminism in theory and practice
– Agencies and resistances through care
– Makers, craft skills, and human-nature ontologies
– Gifts, sharing, self-provision, and non-market exchange
– Spirituality and enchantment within markets
– Modernity and modernization
– Alternative modernities and redefinition of development -