Canadian Society for Ecological Economics
12th Biennial Conference
Climate change, resource scarcity, deepening inequalities, volatile geo-politics and growing economic instability all threaten our wellbeing, now and in the future. These challenges require interdisciplinary economics research that is informed by real-world situations and creates useful solutions. This conference will explore the relationship between the economy, the environment and social justice in order to advance policy-relevant alternative economic models. The theme recognizes that many solutions already exist, and need to be understood and replicated. To accomplish this, partnerships between academics and front-line practitioners will be emphasized.
Download complete program here.
CANSEE 2019 isn’t your typical conference. We’re calling scholars, activists, educators,
civil servants, business leaders and change-makers alike to Engage Economies of Change.
And we’re working hard to make the experience valuable for everyone.
Here’s 8 examples of #SomethingDifferent that you can see:
Public Events
Economics for a Burning Planet
Thrusday May 23, 7pm, CIGI Campus
Saturday May 25, 6pm, Waterloo Public Library
Saturday May 25, 6pm, Uptown Waterloo Square